“The Domburg Bottle Project,” begun in November 2006, used approximately 150,000 discarded plastic bottles, sewn into five large pockets of old fishnet.
The final island is approximately 10 by 7 meters, and 1.5 meters thick. On that, they deposited large amounts of topsoil, and have planted trees, flowers, grass and vegetables. Frequent rain keeps the island green, augmented when necessary by water from the river. They have built an open cabin on the island, where they can host friends or relax. They have electricity supplied by a solar panel and stored in a battery, collect rain for water, and enjoy all the comforts of land life, while their boat is tied to the island as their kitchen, and sleeping quarters. (And the whole thing rocks gently when a ship goes by in the river.)
Photos of the island under construction and showing some of the bottles and fishnet through the greenery.